A Christmas Story
This is the true story of a child’s first Christmas, a four-month-old baby girl who was the first grandchild in the family. Her grandfather wanted to make her Christmas a magical one, so he bought the most beautiful tree he could find, hung it with strings of colored…

La Toussaint
Opening the shutters one autumn morning, I saw large flocks of great white egrets landing in the field across the road, next to the stonewalled cemetery. They come every year to feed in our rich pastures before flying south to the Mediterranean and Africa. This year they arrived…

Mirror, mirror
My mother was only 69 when my father died and she had just retired from her 30-year teaching career in a Philadelphia Friends school. Their marriage had been difficult because my father was difficult. He was charismatic, narcissistic, handsome, and charming— and a philanderer. He was also a…

“Oooh, here’s another one!”
My sister Shelley was going to her first high school prom and she had to ask a boy to go with her. It was one of the drawbacks of going to a girls’ school in the 1950s. We didn’t know many boys and those we grew up with…